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Transnational project
“The project is implemented in partnership with five other organizations in Europe”


Federation for Accessibility of Romania

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Romanian society is made up of individuals and groups in interaction and social relationships, following actions and individual and group behaviors.FAR was born from the desire to promote and monitor access and accessibility!The social action of FAR is the fundamental component of the activity and consists in an integrated ensemble of distinct activities, in order to achieve a result in monitoring access and accessibility (ART. 9 of the UN Convention on Rights of persons with disabilities), with the aim to radiography a very important component of the social system, the person with functional deficiency, the disabled person.
The National Confederation of Disabled People is the third level socio-confederate agency of the country's disability movement. It was founded in 1989 by organizations of individuals with disability and their families, so as to defend issues of common interest for all categories of disability and to be an independent and strong agency representing people with disabilities and their families in the Greek State and society.Today the National Confederation of Disabled People officially holds the position of Social Partner on issues pertaining directly or indirectly to people with disability and fights to promote the policies that contribute to the full participation in the social, economic, political and cultural life of the country. On a national level, the Confederation fights for the protection and advocacy of human and social rights of people with disability, to lessen social bias and combat the discrimination they experience. It aims to equate the opportunities of people with disability in all sectors of their life and to ensure conditions of dignified living and full incorporation in society. The Confederation establishes an action plan, performs systematic control of legislative regulations and provisions and submits proposals to the Greek State on issues such as: education, professional training, employment, information society, universal access.On a European level the Confederation has recognized the need for active participation in a truly representative European disability organization such as the European Disability Forum, which represents people with disabilities in the dialogue with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and other European authorities. Aiming at the development of a European political framework for disability, focused on the equality of opportunities and combating discrimination, it participates in an expanded network of contacts with the National Councils of People with Disabilities of the other Member-States as well as states under accession to the European Union.


National Confederation of Disabled People

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Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy Romania

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Ace-Social economics is a long-term work to be/become the best, the ace in the sleeve of any person, group, communities that seek their way to prosperity and sustainable development.Work with soul, open minded work....Five brave men who come from different areas and who want to change mindsets.... We're being told we're dragging people around.A young, living organization, like a spring of good things, of dreams and hopes on a path of entrepreneurship with social benefits...Ace-Social economics is a long-term work to be/become the best, the ace in the sleeve of any person, group, communities that seek their way to prosperity and sustainable development.Ace-Social economics is a long-term work to be/become the best, the ace in the sleeve of any person, group, communities that seek their way to prosperity and sustainable development.Work with soul, open minded work....Five brave persons who came from different areas and who want to change mindsets.... We're being told we're dragging people around.A young, living organization, like a spring of good things, of dreams and hopes on a path of entrepreneurship with social benefits...A spiral that grows in knowledge , better more with all that surrounds us more with love and wisely for people and communities who understood to seek their way to sustainability towards harmonious development.A pedagogy of social affairs, in which knowledge, development and action live In harmony. Through training, support , network, events and projects.The starting point?Everything started from our friendship. And we set up this work because we no longer want to hear around us about people who took “no” in their arms. Let's see helplessness, let's see struggle in vain...ACE-ES now represents a friend, who is there for you when you have ideas, needs and courage to choose to be social entrepreneurs. Or when you don't have them... and look for inspiration.What animates us?Sustainability and moral progress, in a world, today, "otherwise" than yesterday.
The CFHE aims to provide a link between France and Europe for policies on persons with disabilities. European institutions still seem distant to most people. However, their decisions are the result of negotiations between elected representatives of EU member countries, whose activity is based on consultation documents from European civil society.It is clear that the decisions of the European Union have an impact on our lives and as members of civil society we have the authority to influence these decisions. Similarly, the European Union offers a new platform for dialogue and decision-making. decisions and represents an opportunity to defend the interests of 80,000,000 European citizens with disabilities.


French Council of Handicapped People For European Issues

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Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur (Cesur) was born from Grupo Coremsa, a business group specialised, among other things, in Higher Education and Vocational Training. Higher Education has been a priority for Grupo Coremsa for many years; we have a strong commitment to offer our students the most advanced and functional technological equipment as well as qualified and professional teachers.Cesur counts with eleven Higher Education Official Centres: Madrid, Malaga (City Centre), Malaga PTA (Andalusia Technology Park), Malaga CTM (Transport and Good Centre), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Seville, Murcia and Badajoz. Among the offer of these centres, we can find more than seventy official higher education cycles, either in-person class or on-line, approved by the respective Ministries of Education in each region.


Centro Superior de Formacion Europa Sur

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European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities

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EASPD, a non-profit NGO in the disability sector, promotes the views of over 15,000 social services and their umbrella associations.There are over 80 million people with a disability throughout Europe. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.We strive to deliver high-quality services promoting the full participation and inclusion in society of all persons with disabilities. We believe that support services play a key role in enabling people to enjoy their human rights on an equal basis, beyond disability or any other factor. It is precisely this belief that guides our work in Brussels, Strasbourg and throughout Europe.We are committed to operating on the principles of openness, participation, accountability, effectiveness and coherence.As such, our work is guided by the following:- User participation in the development and delivery of services;- The implementation of good governance principles;- A focus on the Accessibility, Availability, Affordability and Adaptability of services.